Amy Bateman: Win or Lose, Competitions Can Boost Motivation and Confidence

Listen to Amy Bateman's journey from a physiotherapist to a renowned photographer in the latest instalment of the SheClicks Women in Photography Podcast. Hosted by Angela Nicholson, the founder of SheClicks, this episode offers an intimate look into Amy's transformative journey into the world of photography, her connection with rural life and her ability to weave compelling stories through her images.

Embarking on a career in photography wasn't initially in Amy's plans. Her transition was sparked by a desire for a personal creative outlet amidst her bustling life as a businesswoman and mother on a farm near Kendal in the Lake District in the UK. Amy's narrative unfolds as she shares how the birth of her children and the subsequent lifestyle changes nudged her towards picking up a camera, leading to an unanticipated yet fulfilling career in photography.

Amy's work is deeply ingrained in her farming background, which she blends with her photographic talent. This unique fusion comes alive in her book '40 Farms,' where she documents the evolving stories of various farms against the backdrop of the picturesque Lake District, offering a rare glimpse into the agricultural life and its intertwined relationship with nature.

Throughout the episode, Amy delves into the critical role of community, feedback, and social media in her photographic journey, highlighting how engagement with online photography communities and participation in competitions played a pivotal role in honing her skills and boosting her confidence. Her story is a testament to the importance of passion, continuous learning, and the role of photography in storytelling.

This podcast episode is a tale of personal and professional growth, and a source of inspiration for anyone intrigued by the power of photography to tell stories, the challenges and rewards of a career transition, and the enriching experiences of photographic competitions. Listen to discover Amy Bateman's captivating journey and the indelible mark she's making in the world of photography

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Caroline Tran: Uplifting Women in Photography One Comment at a Time


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